140 cm3 coupons/per ride


    Experience the worst fall in history! This ride is not for down to earth people.

    Imagine sitting in a chair, dangling with your feet high above the city of Stockholm, secured by a shoulder restraint. As you're approching the top of the tower, your chair is suddenly tilting you 90 degrees, and you find yourself lying horisontally facing the ground. Then comes the drop ...

    Quick Facts

    • Minimum height
      140 cm
    • Maximum height
      195 cm
    • Numbers of coupons
    • Total height
      95 m
    • Tilts
      90 degrees
    • Fall speed
      90 km/h
    • G-forces
      3,5 G
    • Capacity
      2 rows x 8 seats
    • Premiere
    • Manufacturer
      Intamin (Switzerland)

    Buy your ticket! 🙌

    Get ready for your experience - buy your tickets today!